1- What's worse - Physical or Mental cheating? Physical, but it is the thought that counts right?
2- Is it easier to forgive or forget? Depends on the incident
3- Can men and women be " Just Friends?" Yes
4- Dating co-workers? Sure why not
5- All expenses paid vacation to anywhere? A private cruise for two weeks
6- On the way to the electric chair - What's your last meal? Prime Rib with baked potatoe and a good salad, like Olive Gardens.
7- The water park? Love them, just have to be in shape to put that swim suit on
8- When you are "In Love" do you notice other people? Yes, I am human
9- Is flirting cheating? Too much is
10- Would you rather have 1 great friend or 5 pals? 5 pals, I am a people person I need people
11- If someone called you a bitch would you be offended? No
12- Are you ok with your significant other being friends with an ex? Yup, we have had dinner a few times with a couple of them
13- Would you live with someone without marrying them? Nope
14- Favorite sport? Soccer
15- Is toilet paper hung over or under? OVER
16- Do you squeeze toothpaste from the middle or end of the tube? End
17- How do you feel about tanning booths? I would rather get real skin cancer and be outside
18- Friends with benefits? Never
19- Do you believe in angels? Yes I do
20- Would you rather take pictures or be in pictures? I like being in them, but when ever pictures are being taken, I am the one to do them, Ryan doesn't take great pictures. (one trait he didn't get from his dad)
21- Have you ever flirted with someone you had no interest in? Yes, unfortunetly
22 - Ever kissed a random person and then walked away? If I did it wasn't that great because I dont' remember
23- Would you buy bootleg merchandise? No
24- What color looks best on you? Blue, but black makes you look skinnier
25- If you could play any sport professionally what would it be? Soccer
26- Ever break up with someone and regret it? No, if I did I wouldn't be a completely happily married person
27- Are you a jealous person? A little, but only about certain things
28- Would you ever have plastic surgery? Maybe
29- When do you want to get married? A little over 4 years ago.
30- Who has the sexiest accents? I really like Brittish
31- Next concert you're attending? Couldn't tell you, not a huge concert goer
32- Favorite song? Black Balloon, Goo Goo Dolls
33- Favorite movie? Memiors of a Geisha
34- What's your occupation? Mother and wife
35- What's your sign? Scorpio, so is Ryan, we are BOTH always right
36- Are you a beach, country or city person? BEACH, I miss San Diego
37- Best vacation spot you've been to? Catalina, the water was sooo clear and pretty
38- Have you ever had a "secret affair"? Once
39- If you could own a non-traditional pet which would it be? Leopard or Tiger
40- Favorite show as a child? Saved by the Bell
41- Where do you spend most of your money? I am a mom... diapers and baby clothes
42- Are you currently working at a job that you hate? Nope
43- Have you ever been so heart broken that you called in sick to work? Almost, but I am stronger than that.
44- Favorite summer drink? Ice cold, purified water, no tap water
45- Can you change a car tire? Of course
46- Favorite cologne / perfume? Domain for men
47- Favorite candle scent? Pumpkin spice
48- Would you consider yourself adventurous? YES
49- What is your My Space profile song? Don't have one
50- Favorite concert attended? Areosmith/ more interesting though is a country concert we went to with Ryan and Tia and some other friends...all the girls in our party that were there ended up pregnant a little while after
51- Would you date an already attached man / woman? No way
52- Would you sing Karaoke in front of co-workers? Sure
53- Can you shoot pool? Yup
54- Do you like your siblings' significant others? Of Course I do, who doesn't love in-laws
55- Can you drive a stick? Yup
56- When you marry will you wear white? Yes, I did
57- Have you ever sat and hoped for a phone call? Unfortunetly
58- Ever skip school and spend the day at the beach? No but I did skip school
59- Favorite TV show? Grey's Anatomy
60-What do you think about gay marriage? Ewe
61-what are you waiting for at the movies? Harry Potter
Friday, April 25, 2008
Friday, April 18, 2008
Crazy Kid

To the ZOO

Oooo!!!! Penguins

Kiyah absolutley loves penguins. She starts dancing and laughing whenever she sees one. She can actually spot one out on a sign at Wal Mart. So we went and saw the penguins at the zoo and she kept trying to lean over the rail and touch them. It was so funny to watch her get all excited over a real penguin instead of a stuffed animal.
Bigger is Not Always Better

The Cats
Monday, April 7, 2008
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