1- Where were you when you first found out you were pregnant? In the Insta Care, I had to go in to get a doctors note for work saying that I was sick for a weekend.
2- Who was with you? Just me and the doctor.
3- How did you find out that you were pregnant? By peeing in a cup.
4-What was your first reaction to finding out you were pregnant? Bitter Sweet, I wanted someone besides an Insta Care doctor there to share the moment with
5- What main symptoms sold it for you? Non really. Except the fact that I missed my period by four days. Very odd for me.
6- Who was the first person you told? Ryan, I think. My mom guessed it before I took the test.
7-Did you plan to get pregnant? YES
8-Was everybody happy for you? Definitely.
9- Did you want to find out the sex? Yup!!!
10-What was the sex? Girl.
11-Did anyone throw you a baby shower? Yes
12-If yes, who? My mom threw one in San Diego with the ladies from my ward that I grew up in and my aunts and cousins. My mother in law threw one for Ryan's family and the women in the ward that he grew up in. Then the ladies in our ward threw one for me. Chalk one up for having family in different parts of the country, you get a lot of stuff.
13- Did you get any outfits at the baby shower that you just knew you weren't going to put on your baby? A LOT... I am anti pink and no one read the invitations that said "Prefers colors other than PINK".
14- How much weight did you gain? Too much according to my mom, but that enough for the doctor to be concerned.
15- Did you lose all of the weight that you gained? Nope, I started to and got about 10 pounds away, but then I got pregnant again.
16- Did you get a lot of stretch marks? TONS....And I don't care what people say, those things DO NOT go away.
17- What did you crave the most? Fresh Fruit. Ryan was mean enough that the one time that I asked him to go get me a pregnancy craving he refused.
18- Did you crave anything crazy? French Fries with Fry Sauce from Leatherby's.
19-Who or what got on your nerves the most? Nothing really.
20-Did you ever resent your husband for "putting you in this situation"? NEVER
21- Did you have any complications during your pregnancy? Nope.
22-Where were you when you went into labor? In my bed... I'd been asleep for about an hour when my contractions started. I wasn't sure they were real, so I got up and walked around for about an hour than went back to bed because my back hurt. Then I waited about another hour, called the hospital, waited another hour, than went in.
23-Did your water break? No... they had to break it.
24- What were you feeling when you knew your baby was almost here? Nervous, I had a C-Section and was not too sure about the surgery.
25- Did you go early or late? Right on time. I didn't even start labor until 2:00 am on my due date
26- Who was in the room with you when you gave birth? Who knows! A lot of nurses a couple doctors and Ryan.
27-Was it video taped? No but I watched the surgery. That was weird.
28- Did you have any drugs for the pain? Epidural, I had to have one.
29-Did you go natural or have a c-section? C-Section, Kiyah had a lot of distress.
30- What was your first reaction after giving birth? I was happy and then a lot of pain set in from being opened up. I do not even remember holding Kiyah for the first time, I was way out of it.
31- How big was the baby? 6 pounds 11 ounces
32- Did your Husband cry? I don't think so... if he did it wasn't much.
33- What did you name the baby? Kiyah Rose
34-Was it difficult coming up with his/her name? Yes and no. Before we found out we were having a girl we were set on the name Adrianna Nicole, but when Ryan knew we were having a girl he nixed the name and we had to come up with another one. Than, we came up with Kiyah, but he wasn't sure if I would like it because it was an old bosses daughters name and I did not like that boss very much. (She fired me when I found out I was pregnant, though she would not give that exact reason.)
35- How long were you in labor? 10 hours all together. 6 in the hospital
36- How much time did you get with your baby before they whisked him/her away? A few seconds... They showed her over the partition and that was all I saw. I got morphine after that and did not remember anything for the next 30 minutes.
37- Did the baby(s) have any complications? Yes. She had a lot of stress and macomium, however you spell that, and she had the cord wrapped around her ankle. Ryan says she wanted to try bungee jumping right away.
38- How old is your baby today? 21 months almost 22.
39- When is the next one(s) coming? As long as I don't go early, January 26. A scheduled C-Section
40-If you could, would you do it all over again? Yes, obviously. My pregnancies are not that bad. I never get sick. And with this one, I really did not gain any weight.