Our baby girl is 18 months old. Off to NURSERY!!!!! Yeah! 4 months of freedom until the next crying child comes. Kiyah is doing so well. We had her 18 month check up this last week and her doctor said that he has never had a patient so welcome to strangers. But I am sure he says that about a lot of patients. Anyway, she did the cutest thing, one of those I wish I had a camera moments. We were waiting for him to come in after the nurse left and I handed her a tongue depressor to play with. She took it and walked over to the step to get on the exam table, sat down, and started filing her nails. What a GIRL!!!! It was so cute though. Then the doctor walked in and was surprised that she figured since it was the same shape it must be the same thing. He was even more surprised when she had her blood drawn to see if she was anemic, she did not cry once. She was content with the eraser soccer ball that he had just given her. What made it hard for me was that they had to do a finger stick test because they could not find a good vein in her arm. So they sat there squeezing the blood one drop at a time from her finger to fill up the tube. What a brave little girl. Other than that she is going great. She talks all the time and points out everything that she knows. She will see a tiny picture of a dog or a ball and she will point to it and say the word. She is growing up so fast. I miss the small stages, but I guess that is why you have more. Right?!?
I was always told that time passes in a blink of an eye. It's crazy that I had written a similar entry in my journal and now Aidan is 8!!! Its amazing! Enjoy every moment! Kiyah is a beautiful girl. I love her sweet spirit she always seems so happy ; )
Yeah for nursey!! That is awesome, time does really fly by. Glad she was so brave at her dr's appt, can she teach my kids how to be?
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