Update on Kiyah and Xander: Xander is now 4 months old, seems so much longer. He is rolling over from his back to his belly, and of course hates it when he gets to his stomach because he can't see anything. His check up went just perfect, nothing to cause worry, he is 14.8 pounds and 24.5". His doctor loves doing his check up because he always holds still and lets him do whatever he needs. He is bigger than Kiyah was at this age, but I think is has to do with him breast feeding longer than she did. Kiyah is 26 months old, or just over 2 years, and had the lovely affair of getting stitches. She was good through the whole thing and the nurses loved working with her. She loves singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star all the time and of course with that same tune she loves singing ABC's. Both love being around each other and Kiyah is so accepting of all the things that Xander does to her.
glad they are doing so good and what a good helper Kiyah is :)
Thanks for the updates! That is such a cute picture of them!
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