Friday, September 26, 2008

Fishing Heaven

We started bright and early

Kiyah cruised everywhere, getting as dirty as she could

She even caught her very first fish and named him, she kept saying Bruce when we showed her the fish.

This was Ryan's 4th catch.

Here is the line up. Bruce is on top, one of Ryan's and my last catch was the Albino. It was definitely a good day for fishing. I caught three, Bruce was mine, but I let Kiyah help me bring him in.

Weekend Get Away

Arriving at the camp ground

This is her new face, it is hard to see but she puts this shocked look on her face when she does something funny or finds something she was looking for.

Nice clear camp ground. All I have to say is Burr! It was so cold that night. We all ended up sleeping on the same air mattress.

Say Hi.

She got a hold of Ryan's keys and tried opening the door. First she went to the back door but there was no key hole, so she went up to the front door. When she could not get the key in she came back to the fire and said her new phrase, " It's Stuck".

Kennecott Mine

"Adams" kids went and spent some time up at the Mine's visitors center. It actually took us several attempts to take a picture with Kiyah holding still.

Hanging with The Boys

We went to see some cool cars

The Discount Tire Car

Swinging and having a blast

Could she be any more happy?

Monday, September 8, 2008

IT'S A BOY!! !!!!
Thank you to all who voted. Obviously the one person that voted for a girl did not get the vibes that everyone else did. Better luck next time.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Fun Little Tag

A) Four places I go to over and over:
1. Home
2. Walmart
3. In laws
4. Costco
B) Four people that email me:
1. Sandi
2. Kim
3. Jackie
4. Work
C) Four places I love to eat:
1. Chipotle
2. Chicken Pie Shop, San Diego
3. Cafe Rio
4. The Barbecue Pit, San Diego
D) Four places I would not mind being at right now:
1. Shopping, with someone elses money
2. San Diego, on the beach
4. Six Flags Magic Mountain, but then I could not be pregnant to go there and enjoy
E) Four people that I tag
1. Anyone
2. Who
3. Wants
4. To........thanks for the line on that one Katie.
F) Four T.V. show I watch all the time:
2. Still Standing
3. Greys Anatomy
4. House