Friday, December 12, 2008

Time is Short

This is just an update on the due date. I can not believe that I am only 6 weeks away from giving birth. We are actually going to do a scheduled C-Section because my doctor does not want to run any risks of complications. Which is fine by me, the less to worry about the better. I get to go in to the hospital, get hooked up to monitors, get pain killers because of the surgery, and then have a healthy happy baby with no complications. What more could a mom ask for? What is really nice about doing a scheduled delivery is that the doc took a week of my count down time. Nothing could be better for an impatient person.

Thursday, December 11, 2008


Can anyone tell me what my daughter sees me do all the time. If you can not tell she is talking on the phone and taking down notes on a piece of paper. I just did not think that I spent that much time on the phone writing down stuff at the same time. It was just too cute, I had to take a picture.

My Big Little Girl

We tried out the toddler bed with Kiyah. She is doing so well. I questioned whether I wanted her to have the ability to get up by herself and run a muck in the house, but she still gets up around 8:30 or 9:00. She even goes to bed with out too much hassle. Nap time is a little different, it takes her about 45 minutes to an hour to calm down and stay in bed. Yesterday she gave me a laugh though, apparently I was making too much noise and she got out of bed and closed her door and went back into bed. I really thought that she was going to come out of her room, but she just wanted her door closed all the way. Aren't kids go much fun some times.

Friday, December 5, 2008

What Else

We went up to Big Bear while we were down in San Diego and what else could we do but go fishing. We dropped off my mom to hike a portion of the Pacific Crest Trail and then we went down into Big Bear and went fishing. No one caught anything, bad weather, but as Ryan says, a bad day of fishing is better than a good day of work.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Fourth Tag

This is a cute tag that anyone can do if they want.
Go to your fourth folder and get your fourth picture and post it. This one is our first Christmas in our house. Which was actually in 2006. We switch off Thanksgiving and Christmas between the families, so we did not have our first Christmas in our house until we had been in our house for almost two years.

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Today is my hubbies birthday and the old man is turning 30. It seems so weird. He is still my oldest child and will always be but I love him to death and would not be complete with out him. For his birthday we went out last week to Iggy's Bar and Grill to watch the Utes play TCU. What a great game!!! Then this weekend we are getting together with some friends who have birthday's close to this time and we are going bowling. I am sure it will be a blast. As you get older birthdays seem to come and go but I could not pass up not doing something for his 30th. I love you babe and you are such a great husband and a father.

Boat day with Andrew and Emilee

It is a shame I had to go so far back to get a picture of him doing something besides fishing.

Our open house in Utah.

Isn't he just so cute with the flowers. And if I had all my pictures on my computer I would have one of Trent like this too. Just thought I would let you know Katie. :P

Friday, November 7, 2008

Life Goes On

I am being such a slacker. I have new pictures to put up, I just have not had the care to get them down loaded from the camera onto the computer. But keep looking because they are coming. I have pictures of Halloween, Kiyah had a blast thanks to her cousins that she was able to run around with. ( Thanks Kim and Jenni). And there will be more to come as we head into the Holiday Season.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Little Thoughts Through The Day

For some reason this year, I am getting really excited about the Holiday season. I want to decorate for Christmas already and I want to listen to Christmas music. I know I am crazy, but I am totally excited this year. We get to go down to San Diego for Thanksgiving this year and that will be nice. My side of the family has not seen Kiyah in almost a year. Most of them did not get a chance to see her when we went down in June. We are going to get to stay for over a week and we are flying this time. Hurray!!!!!! We will never want to go back to driving. An hour and 45 minutes versus a 12 hour drive split up going down and straight through coming back. Last year it tooks up 12 hours just to get to Cedar City!!! I love air travel.
Kiyah went into nursery this last week. She loved playing with the toys and all the kids. Poor thing though, she was so tired and started to get a fever, so she did not make it all the way through. It is going to be rough for the rest of the year with her. We have 1:00 church and that is her nap time. But next year we go to 9:00. Good for her, bad for us with a new born. Oh well. Life goes on.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

My Little Girl

Our baby girl is 18 months old. Off to NURSERY!!!!! Yeah! 4 months of freedom until the next crying child comes. Kiyah is doing so well. We had her 18 month check up this last week and her doctor said that he has never had a patient so welcome to strangers. But I am sure he says that about a lot of patients. Anyway, she did the cutest thing, one of those I wish I had a camera moments. We were waiting for him to come in after the nurse left and I handed her a tongue depressor to play with. She took it and walked over to the step to get on the exam table, sat down, and started filing her nails. What a GIRL!!!! It was so cute though. Then the doctor walked in and was surprised that she figured since it was the same shape it must be the same thing. He was even more surprised when she had her blood drawn to see if she was anemic, she did not cry once. She was content with the eraser soccer ball that he had just given her. What made it hard for me was that they had to do a finger stick test because they could not find a good vein in her arm. So they sat there squeezing the blood one drop at a time from her finger to fill up the tube. What a brave little girl. Other than that she is going great. She talks all the time and points out everything that she knows. She will see a tiny picture of a dog or a ball and she will point to it and say the word. She is growing up so fast. I miss the small stages, but I guess that is why you have more. Right?!?

Monday, October 6, 2008

Our Little Family

The "Four" of us... 5 1/2 months pregnant

Mom & Dad

Mommy's Little Girl

The Cousins

All the Cousins
Kiyah's only girl cousin... Sydnee

Sunday, October 5, 2008

The Adams Family

From Right to Left. Back Row: Kim, Bob, Brenda, Nikki, Kiyah, Ryan, Ryan Spray, Jenni
Front Row: Chase, Cole, Jake, Mike, Sandi, Ethan, Zac, Sydnee
It took us a while, since before Ryan's mission, but this is the Adams Family

Friday, September 26, 2008

Fishing Heaven

We started bright and early

Kiyah cruised everywhere, getting as dirty as she could

She even caught her very first fish and named him, she kept saying Bruce when we showed her the fish.

This was Ryan's 4th catch.

Here is the line up. Bruce is on top, one of Ryan's and my last catch was the Albino. It was definitely a good day for fishing. I caught three, Bruce was mine, but I let Kiyah help me bring him in.

Weekend Get Away

Arriving at the camp ground

This is her new face, it is hard to see but she puts this shocked look on her face when she does something funny or finds something she was looking for.

Nice clear camp ground. All I have to say is Burr! It was so cold that night. We all ended up sleeping on the same air mattress.

Say Hi.

She got a hold of Ryan's keys and tried opening the door. First she went to the back door but there was no key hole, so she went up to the front door. When she could not get the key in she came back to the fire and said her new phrase, " It's Stuck".

Kennecott Mine

"Adams" kids went and spent some time up at the Mine's visitors center. It actually took us several attempts to take a picture with Kiyah holding still.

Hanging with The Boys

We went to see some cool cars

The Discount Tire Car

Swinging and having a blast

Could she be any more happy?

Monday, September 8, 2008

IT'S A BOY!! !!!!
Thank you to all who voted. Obviously the one person that voted for a girl did not get the vibes that everyone else did. Better luck next time.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Fun Little Tag

A) Four places I go to over and over:
1. Home
2. Walmart
3. In laws
4. Costco
B) Four people that email me:
1. Sandi
2. Kim
3. Jackie
4. Work
C) Four places I love to eat:
1. Chipotle
2. Chicken Pie Shop, San Diego
3. Cafe Rio
4. The Barbecue Pit, San Diego
D) Four places I would not mind being at right now:
1. Shopping, with someone elses money
2. San Diego, on the beach
4. Six Flags Magic Mountain, but then I could not be pregnant to go there and enjoy
E) Four people that I tag
1. Anyone
2. Who
3. Wants
4. To........thanks for the line on that one Katie.
F) Four T.V. show I watch all the time:
2. Still Standing
3. Greys Anatomy
4. House

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Too Adorable

Kiyah and Kyler. Born 3 weeks apart. Kyler is the son of Andrew and Emily, good friends of ours. We went boating with them a couple of weeks ago and had such a great time. The water was not that good, and we unfortunetly hit a rock with the boat.....Oopps. But it was nice to hang out together and let the kids play. I thought it was just a cute picture having them sitting there on the edge of the boat both in their life jackets.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Avid Learner

Kiyah actually took these books over to this chair that she loves to sit in and climbed up and started "reading". Once she flipped through both books she got down and went to do something else. At least she is trying right?!?


Kiyah with Chase
Waiting for the fireworks
The kids playing baseball
We of course went to Sugar House Park. Kiyah again loved the fireworks and was not scared by them. The wind picked up a little during the show and we started getting rained on by firework remnents. The kids starting collecting them to see who had the biggest one.

Monday, July 14, 2008

The Memory Post

1. As a comment on my blog, leave a memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you know me a little or a lot, anything you remember! If we're only blogging friends, write about a post that is the most memorable for you.

2. Next, if you feel so inclined, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. If you leave a memory about me, I'll be sure to write one about you...!

3. If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all. ☺ And please do this on your page, too, so we can all share in the fun times together. :)

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Sliding Fun

Who says this is a laundry basket? Ian was pushing Kiyah up and down the hall way. She was having so much fun doing this. She still goes up to the basket and takes everything out and wants to go down the hall again.

Family Time

My aunt and uncle were up from Arizona and we had a quick visit. For those who do not know the people in the picture, to my right is my Aunt Judy and Uncle Dave, my dad's brother. To Ryan's left is my sister in law Jackie and brother Brandon. Infront of Ryan is Ian and Brandon's boys. Oldest is Jordan, then Aidan, and youngest is Noah.

Brave Girl

We went fishing up at Strawberry Reservoir and there were a ton of little frogs. Kiyah held one for a little while, then it started jumping and she was done. Ian was there too and he wouldn't even try to hold it. He would just shake his head and hands and not want it.

So Adorable

This was too cute. I was working and came in because I couldn't hear anything from Kiyah. Then I found them both sleeping on the bed. I could not pass up the picture of both of them turned toward each other and sleeping in the middle of the day. Ryan got upset because I woke him up. Oh well.

Graduation Lunch In

I left my camera at home for his graduation, but this is the lunch in afterwards. He loves holding Kiyah all the time.

Prom Night

This was Ian's date for Prom. He had such a good time. He was so proper and perfect and his date was just so excited to be there she could not contain herself. They were such a cute couple. The photographer at the dance even new Ian and gave them some prom pictures at no charge. Ian was such a hit all through High School, he even graduated with Honors.

Grad Nite

I was Ian's shaparone for West Hill's Grad Night. We went to Knott's Berry Farm and broke a record on this ride for how many times it was riden with out getting off. 35. I did not feel good after that. Ian wanted to continue the whole night, and would have if I did not drag him off the ride.

Fun in the Sun

My favorite thing to do. Water Ski. I have been doing this on my own since I was 5 years old. You feel so powerful and strong when you get done with a run. I hope that I can continue doing this my whole life. My Grandfather did this until he was 62, my mother is still doing it and she will surpass her father's age of doing it. I only hope to be as strong. I have done it during both my pregnancies now. Once with Kiyah while I was 5 months pregnant and this time I was only 1 month but I might be able to do it later on we will see.

The Colorado River

We went out to the Colorado River while in San Diego in June. Kiyah had a blast and after the first day began to love the water. We went on the Taco and she was smiling, laughing, and waving at everyone in the boat the whole time. She absolutely loved the toy.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Cooking 101

Kiyah is always trying to help while I am cooking dinner so I finally put on an apron that she got for Christmas and let her help me out. She loved it, she kept stiring everything and doing a great job.

Monday, June 16, 2008

"Big Z"

My newest nephew Alexander Jay Harrison. Born March 28, 2008.
I was able to go visit CJ and Reeba and see Alexander. My dad decided to call
him "Big Z", after he saw Surf's Up. Alexander was born at 9:59 am and weighed in at
8 lbs. 12 oz., 21 3/4" long.

Lots of Luv

Kiyah loves her Uncle Ian. She is always laughing when she sees him and
she loves giving him hugs all the time.

Driving Lessons

I realize that it is hard to see, but she is getting her first driving lesson in Heber. We were coming back from a trip to Vernal and stopped in Heber to get lunch.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Did I do a Good Job?

Everytime that I am trying to do the dishes she pushes the drawers in and climbs up on the door. This time she actually got her pants all wet from the draining water. I would like to get upset at her climbing on stuff that could break but could you get mad at that face?...Me Neither... so what do I do, I take a picture.