Saturday, July 19, 2008

Avid Learner

Kiyah actually took these books over to this chair that she loves to sit in and climbed up and started "reading". Once she flipped through both books she got down and went to do something else. At least she is trying right?!?


Kiyah with Chase
Waiting for the fireworks
The kids playing baseball
We of course went to Sugar House Park. Kiyah again loved the fireworks and was not scared by them. The wind picked up a little during the show and we started getting rained on by firework remnents. The kids starting collecting them to see who had the biggest one.

Monday, July 14, 2008

The Memory Post

1. As a comment on my blog, leave a memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you know me a little or a lot, anything you remember! If we're only blogging friends, write about a post that is the most memorable for you.

2. Next, if you feel so inclined, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. If you leave a memory about me, I'll be sure to write one about you...!

3. If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all. ☺ And please do this on your page, too, so we can all share in the fun times together. :)

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Sliding Fun

Who says this is a laundry basket? Ian was pushing Kiyah up and down the hall way. She was having so much fun doing this. She still goes up to the basket and takes everything out and wants to go down the hall again.

Family Time

My aunt and uncle were up from Arizona and we had a quick visit. For those who do not know the people in the picture, to my right is my Aunt Judy and Uncle Dave, my dad's brother. To Ryan's left is my sister in law Jackie and brother Brandon. Infront of Ryan is Ian and Brandon's boys. Oldest is Jordan, then Aidan, and youngest is Noah.

Brave Girl

We went fishing up at Strawberry Reservoir and there were a ton of little frogs. Kiyah held one for a little while, then it started jumping and she was done. Ian was there too and he wouldn't even try to hold it. He would just shake his head and hands and not want it.

So Adorable

This was too cute. I was working and came in because I couldn't hear anything from Kiyah. Then I found them both sleeping on the bed. I could not pass up the picture of both of them turned toward each other and sleeping in the middle of the day. Ryan got upset because I woke him up. Oh well.

Graduation Lunch In

I left my camera at home for his graduation, but this is the lunch in afterwards. He loves holding Kiyah all the time.

Prom Night

This was Ian's date for Prom. He had such a good time. He was so proper and perfect and his date was just so excited to be there she could not contain herself. They were such a cute couple. The photographer at the dance even new Ian and gave them some prom pictures at no charge. Ian was such a hit all through High School, he even graduated with Honors.

Grad Nite

I was Ian's shaparone for West Hill's Grad Night. We went to Knott's Berry Farm and broke a record on this ride for how many times it was riden with out getting off. 35. I did not feel good after that. Ian wanted to continue the whole night, and would have if I did not drag him off the ride.

Fun in the Sun

My favorite thing to do. Water Ski. I have been doing this on my own since I was 5 years old. You feel so powerful and strong when you get done with a run. I hope that I can continue doing this my whole life. My Grandfather did this until he was 62, my mother is still doing it and she will surpass her father's age of doing it. I only hope to be as strong. I have done it during both my pregnancies now. Once with Kiyah while I was 5 months pregnant and this time I was only 1 month but I might be able to do it later on we will see.

The Colorado River

We went out to the Colorado River while in San Diego in June. Kiyah had a blast and after the first day began to love the water. We went on the Taco and she was smiling, laughing, and waving at everyone in the boat the whole time. She absolutely loved the toy.